Drone Flying Real Estate Agent – Sell More Property

This Drone flying real estate agent is showing how he has started using drones to take video of his properties for pennies compared to paying for a pilot and flight time.

Using a drone to take your own videos makes it quick to get sellers videos up and selling their property.

The videos can be posted on YouTube, and other video sites to help sell the property, and it’s great for selling large parcels of land. It’s a given to use when selling space in a commercial business park, being able to show the surrounding area and traffic flows.

Here are some places to do additional research on setting up your own reality drone:

DJI’s Phantom copters:
Xproheli copters:
3D Robotics:
Draganfly Industrial:
Radio Controlled:

Leave us some comments with your takes on this tool for the modern real estate agent…

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