My two Wal Mart motorworks RC submarines.
Filmed in the Villa pool, both from outside the pool and underwater!
They work realy well for a $20 sub!
Duration : 0:3:9
RC Submarines – filmed from above and below!
Duration : 0:3:9
25 comments to RC Submarines – filmed from above and below!Leave a Reply |
camperboy they have …
camperboy they have propellers somewhere in the middle that make it go down
i have a mini one and I DONT KNOW HOW TO TURN IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
THey are slightly …
THey are slightly positive boyancy. THe planes are set to dive with forward motion. Aslo verticalk thruster propellor to sink stright down.
how do you stop …
how do you stop them from floting up when underwater
Like, where’s the …
Like, where’s the chicks in bikinis?
gay sub 1/5
gay sub 1/5
Why don’t you add a …
Why don’t you add a couple of Remote controlled capsules with sodium, and you can start blastin stuff that way?
Anyways… You’ll most likely make your sub explode… Still a good idea tho
wow cool!
wow cool!
A friend of mine …
A friend of mine got them for me. Not sure which Walmart it was from. This was over a year ago as well, so maybe they have changed their stock lines now?
I read that you …
I read that you bought these two RC subs from
Walmart. I just went to their website and they have no RC subs. Could you give greater details like what Walmart in what city etc.
thanks for any help
i was thinking of …
i was thinking of buying this exact one
Walmart – about a …
Walmart – about a year ago now. $20 each.
where did you buy …
where did you buy that submarine
Only avalible from …
Only avalible from US Walmarts.
where can i buy them
where can i buy them
Uh i have this but …
Uh i have this but i am having trouble balancing the weights, somebody help me. =[
THese were bought …
THese were bought from Wal mark for just $20 each. I intent to make an “earobattic” own design sub that flied under watyer like a plane. Capable of loops and rools, but I havent started it as yet. It will be small, with a powerfull brushless motor. Control will be elevator, rudder, and airleron.
I was just …
I was just wondering did you buy this sub or make on your own. I wanted to know because I am working on a model sub myself and new some design plan, please respond .
id be cool to put …
id be cool to put airsoft gund in there for teh torpeedos
I bought two of …
I bought two of theses and both had water leaks within an hour of running. Had to take both back. Had the same experoence with a lot of other toys from that brand.
Thanks! Utube …
Thanks! Utube compresses the videos which reduces the quality.
The underwater footage was taken with a stills camera in video mode, thats why thats not great quality.
I’ll give your …
I’ll give your video 5 stars, because it shows the subs underwater, something none of the other videos show.
The quality could’ve been better, but alround I loved it.
Tnx for posting this.
I bought the USS …
I bought the USS Shark after watching this video, dang thing actually does work well.
wow…$20.00 pretty …
wow…$20.00 pretty cool.
how deep can they go
how deep can they go