Radio Controlled Mini Submarine by Red Horse Part 1


I never thought that a submarine could be made into a toy due to it’s technical complexities. However I was wrong and I bought this sub off eBay for £25. See Part 2 where the sub is tested in proper water…


Duration : 0:1:29


rc mini submarines l mini rc submarines l remote control min

WWW.CHINA-TOY-FACTORY.COM Very small rc mini submarine is a great toy. just look at this mini rc submarine go in the water.

Duration : 0:0:14

RC Submarine

I bought this online for under 15$ new. It works great, its three channel (3 motors). Two in the back and one for going up and down in the middle. It looks the best out of all the mini-subs out there in my opinion and you can dive and surface without having to manually adjust […]