Radio Control Combat Models SSBN-598 USS George Washington Balistic Missle Nuclear Submarine in 1/72nd scale. Gas ballast system, homemade WTC. Just noticed that I spelled “George” wrong in the credits. Oops!
Duration : 0:3:17
Combat Models SSBN-598 RC Submarine
Duration : 0:3:17
4 comments to Combat Models SSBN-598 RC SubmarineLeave a Reply |
ive always wanted a …
ive always wanted a sub. i heard a guy made one that actually shoots torpedoes?! is that possible tho?
where did you get …
where did you get the kit from, i thought combat models only did aircraft.
It sure does. I’ll …
It sure does. I’ll get some video of it one of these days.
wow That’s one big …
wow That’s one big RC Submarine. Does it submerge?