RC submarine in deep waters. See ships, ducks, fishes with on-board camera FPV from sub, very cool.
Duration : 0:9:57
Nicer video in the swimming pool with my rc Engel kit submarine the uss Grand 631 Duration : 0:3:21 Radio Control Combat Models SSBN-598 USS George Washington Balistic Missle Nuclear Submarine in 1/72nd scale. Gas ballast system, homemade WTC. Just noticed that I spelled “George” wrong in the credits. Oops! Duration : 0:3:17 Radio Control Combat Models SSBN-598 USS George Washington Balistic Missle Nuclear Submarine in 1/72nd scale. Gas ballast system, homemade WTC. Just noticed that I spelled “George” wrong in the credits. Oops! Duration : 0:3:17 |