RC submarine in deep waters. See ships, ducks, fishes with on-board camera FPV from sub, very cool.
Duration : 0:9:57
On board camera installed on Neptune SB-1 radio controlled model submarine Duration : 0:1:56 Nicer video in the swimming pool with my rc Engel kit submarine the uss Grand 631 Duration : 0:3:21 Red Arrows Gas Turbine Rc planes flown at the Thames Valley Model Airshow…. Duration : 0:4:9 rc sub at wilson pond Duration : 0:2:13 This is the maiden flight of Tony Withey’s turbine powered Aermacchi jet. New Zealand used to use the real Aermacchis for fighter-pilot training before the last peacenik goverment decided to mothball them all. Now they quietly rot away, costing the taxpayer lots of money for no benefit. Check my channel for plenty of other RC-model […] Radio Control Combat Models SSBN-598 USS George Washington Balistic Missle Nuclear Submarine in 1/72nd scale. Gas ballast system, homemade WTC. Just noticed that I spelled “George” wrong in the credits. Oops! Duration : 0:3:17 Radio Control Combat Models SSBN-598 USS George Washington Balistic Missle Nuclear Submarine in 1/72nd scale. Gas ballast system, homemade WTC. Just noticed that I spelled “George” wrong in the credits. Oops! Duration : 0:3:17 Scratch built RC Twin pulse jet powered delta. Valved engines running on unleaded petrol. 1 liter of fuel per engine for 10 mins of flying. 230mph top speed. 10 mins duration. Check out http://tinyurl.com/yjhg3ma for more incredible RC aircraft. Duration : 0:2:56 Mack’s Radio Controlled Chris Craft model boat. WaveBlasters.org pond in Ft. Pierce, FL Duration : 0:1:7 |